In memory of my Dad, W. H. "Shag" Johnson, Jr.. I wrote this poem for my Dad in 1988. Today I want to share it with my friends and family. The name says it all. Not only on this day, but everyday, I thank those who serve to protect our freedom.
For those who sent him there to fight,
For all those left behind,
The love of life and liberty,
Stood foremost in his mind.
He didn't want the spotlight,
Or trophy small or large,
His greatest honor was received
When they chose to call him "Sarge".
He served them well, the record tells
As many stepped aside.
For thirty-nine he carried on,
With all honor, and with pride.
The price of freedom freely paid,
He was the best they had
And tho' they'll always call him "Sarge"
I am proud to call him "DAD".
1SG William H. "Shag" Johnson, Jr.
1343 Engineer Battalion (CBI)